
In the Beginning

{Arkansas Code} 5-39-401. {Arkansas Code} 13-6-402. {Arkansas Code} 13-6-408.
The Desecration
Destruction and Removal
Page 2 - In the Beginning
Most ridiculous item at the grave
Memorial for Robert Marcussen
2007 Up Date's
Kiss my ass and call me honest Sam


The Original Tomb-Stone at Lowes Creek Cemetery


Robert Marcussen was the second son of Marcus Peter Marcussen of Horsens Denmark and Margaretha Marie Hansen of Ladelund Germany.

Robert was born 14 July 1894 at Chicago, IL and died 10 September 1912 on the Marcussen Farm. Robert died young at 18 years of age due to a metal plate covering a hold in his scull.

Robert’s “tombstone” was made by his father when the House of Marcussen lived on the Marcussen Farm at Marcussen Hill, east on Lowes Creek Road where it “T” ’s at Marcussen Hill Road.

Mr. Sam Flocks of Cotner Monuments was to make a new tombstone of Georgia Gray Granite and when placing the “new” stone was to place the “old” marker at the foot of Robert’s grave.

By his own hand Mr. Sam Flocks states that he destroyed this marker which could easily have been picked up and moved.


The Original Tomb-Stone at Highland Cemetery


Walter Marcussen born 23 January 1871 in Horsens Denmark was the fifth son of Rasmus Peter Marcussen and Anna Katrina Marie Pedersen. Walter’s Great Great Grandfather on his mothers side was one of the Kings of Denmark.

Walter married Wilmouth McCarty in Fautkner County 02 June 1910. Wilmouth is buried along side Walter in an unmarked grave. Her family was to place a marker but never did for unknown reasons. As Wilmouth and Walter did not have any children there may have been no one to do so. Another mystery in the House of Marcussen of which there are more than one.

Mr. Sam Flocks of Cotner Monuments was to make a new tombstone of Georgia Gray Granite and when placing the “new” stone was to place the “old” marker at the foot of the Walter and Milmouth grave’s.

By his own hand Mr. Sam Flocks states that he destroyed this marker which could easily have been picked up and moved.

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As the gentle reader can see, both “tombstone’s” are/were in poor condition and the “why” of this endeavor, by a descendent of the House of Marcussen once removed, of finding a dealer of monuments to replace both with longer lasting markers.

By all the different expiations in Mr. Sam Flocks e-mails of what he did to/with the original markers one can surmise that he did in fact destroy or remove these markers from the cemeteries.

One can see that I made a very poor choice in my selection of Mr. Sam Flocks of Cotner Monuments. If you live in this corner of Arkansas and find yourself in need, I advise you to take your need across the river from Fort Smith to Van Buren.

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Arkansas Code
Destruction or removal of a cemetery or grave marker
Desecration of burial grounds and burial furniture