From: "Sam J. Flocks" <>
To: "'*****'" <*****@*****.com>
CC: "'Chuck Beavers'" <>
Subject: RE: Marcussen Markers
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 22:21:11 -0500
At the current time, I am proposing the following terms which I think will satisfy your wishes. The agreement will include
the following terms:
1. You will first provide written statements to any and all legal authorities which you contacted that Cotner Monument
, LLC, its owners, or employees did not commit any criminal offences related to these monuments and they were acting under
your authority. Further, you will withdraw any and all criminal complaints which you have filed against Cotner Monument ,
LLC, its owners, or employees. You will also agree to not file any future complains of any type, criminal or civil, against
Cotner Monument , LLC, its owners, or employees. Upon your providing copies of the statements and an affirmative statement
from legal authorities that this matter is closed, then
2. Cotner Monument will remove the stone on the Walter Marcussen grave, and
3. The stone which was originally on the Walter Marcussen grave will be returned to its original position, and
4.The stone which was originally on the Robert Marcussen grave will be set at the foot or the grave, and
5. I will issue you a check in the amount of $ 111.38, and
6. You will refrain from publicly or privately making any further statements in any matter concerning Cotner Monument
, LLC, its owners, or employees.
You understand that our agreement to these terms does not release Cotner Monuments, LLC or you from any civil rights we
may have under the contract which was executed by your brother.
Please respond affirmatively that these terms are agreeable to you. Upon responding and issuing the statements to the
legal authorities, I will get the stones moved and a check prepared
Sam J. Flocks
Cotner Monuments
324 North Greenwood Avenue
Fort Smith, Arkansas USA
Phone 479.783.3103
Fax 479.783.3862